Together, we can build a better world.
Campaign for the Department of Urban Design and Planning
Invest in a healthy, sustainable, urban future by investing in the Department of Urban Design and Planning.
As the world continues to urbanize at an unprecedented rate, the demand for our work is more urgent than ever. Our planners, designers, and urban innovators are working to empower communities, protect natural and cultural environments, and confront the most pressing urban challenges of our time. We are working to ensure that the Puget Sound region remains one of the most dynamic and livable places to live in America and a model for great planning around the world. Together, with your support, we will shape the great cities of tomorrow.
Learn more about our giving opportunities or search for a specific fund below.
Call with your credit card
To give over the phone with a credit card, call our Advancement Office at (206) 685-3751. Please specify the fund you wish to support.
Write a personal check
Make your check payable to the UW Foundation, indicate the fund you would like to support, and mail your check to:
University of Washington Foundation
Box 359504
Seattle, WA 98195-9504
Tax Information
Your gift may qualify as tax deductible as a charitable contribution for federal tax purposes as allowed by IRS regulations. The UW Foundation’s Federal Tax ID is 94-3079432.
Contact Us
For more information, please contact Bernadette Bascom, Assistant Director of Advancement: p: 206-616-6443 e: