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MUP Courses + Syllabi


Provides students interested in the planning profession an opportunity to understand the different pathways and career choices within the profession. Introduces students to guest professionals in various planning careers and highlight key issues, skills used, and tips to entering the field. Focuses on professional practice rather than analytical methods or theory. Credit/no-credit only.

Offered in Autumn, Winter, and Spring Quarters

URBDP 480 Syllabus

Explores foundational concepts and logics of planning as a professional activity. Course examines the evolution of guiding ideas in relation to changing social, economic, and environmental conditions within the American political framework; major procedures used by planners; and critical appraisal of contemporary planning practices.

Offered in Autumn Quarter

URBDP 500 Syllabus

Introduces comprehensive planning as a core method for shaping and managing metropolitan growth. Examines federal and state statutes affecting local comprehensive plans, and reviews local government land use regulations and development processes. Concentrates on tools to shape land use and development patterns and their effectiveness in creating outcomes specified in comprehensive plans.

Offered in Winter Quarter

URBDP 501 Syllabus

A lecture and lab-based course designed to provide students with introductory practical knowledge of Geographical Information Systems and Science for current and future coursework in urban planning. At the end of this course, all students should be functional in basic GIS skills in the ArcGIS Pro software Package. URBDP 504 is the graduate level section for this course; URBDP 404 is the undergraduate section.

Offered in Autumn Quarter

URBDP 404/504 Syllabus

Introduces students to the planning studio and plan-making process, with an emphasis on group collaboration, background research, issue identification, public involvement, and preliminary analysis.

Offered in Winter Quarter

URBDP 506 Syllabus

Studio/field project in applied professional planning. Draws on a local study area to examine the realities of problem solving in situations of functional and normative disagreement. Includes the analysis, programming, implementation, and presentation phases of the planning process.

Offered in Spring Quarter

To learn more, please see the UDP Studio syllabi and class reports provided below:

URBDP 507 A Syllabus | Homeownership in the 15 Minute Neighborhood Studio

URBDP 507 B Syllabus| Pacific County HNA and LCA Studio

URBDP 507 C Syllabus| Snohomish Planning for Climate Change Studio

URBDP 507 D Syllabus | U-District Studio Report


Please also see the 2021 UDP Studio syllabi below:

URBDP 507 A | Scenario Planning for Post-COVID Downtown Seattle Studio

URBDP 507 B | City of Seattle Comprehensive Plan Update Studio

URBDP 507 C | Post COVID Recovery Plan for Downtown Seattle

Studio/field project on a specialized planning problem. Several options are offered each year, such as regional-environmental planning, housing, metropolitan planning, and urban design.

Offered in Autumn Quarter

URBDP 508 | Community Engagement for Coastal Resilience

URBDP 508 | The Nehemiah Studio

Introduces techniques and approaches to planning, designing, and undertaking applied research in an urban setting, including how to frame, critically assess, manage, and present research. Reviews conceptual modeling of causal relationships, choice among experimental and quasi-experimental designs, and ethical and political implications of urban research. Exercises lead to a complete research design appropriate for the thesis requirement of the MUP degree.

Offered in Autumn Quarter

URBDP 512 Syllabus

Explores concepts of race, gender, racism, class, social justice, and untangle their connections between design, planning, policy, and cities.

Offered in Autumn, Winter, and Spring Quarters

URBDP 514 Syllabus

Introduces students to the urban land market in which sites and properties are embedded Covers five areas: basic economic concepts critical in the understanding of real estate markets; urban economy; land rent theory; locational analysis and decision making; and market analysis. Offered: jointly with R E 516

Offered in Spring Quarter

URBDP 516 Syllabus

Qualitative research methods covering both the theoretical foundations and practical methodologies of traditional and contemporary approaches, including cognitive mapping, open-ended interviews, ethnographic observation, hermeneutics, phenomenology, critical theory, communicative action, grass-roots empowerment, post-structuralism, and self organization.

Offered in Autumn Quarter

URBDP 518 Syllabus

Methods of statistical and mathematical analysis in design and planning. Emphasizes the use of computer packages for analyzing urban data, through regression analysis, matrix methods, cohort-survival population models, or other standard forms of quantitative data analysis.

Offered in Autumn Quarter

URBDP 520 Syllabus

Principles of GIS applied to problems in urban design and planning, landscape architecture, and environmental and resource studies. Practical problem-solving approaches using contemporary desktop mapping packages and vector and raster GIS systems. Includes overview of siting, environmental evaluation and inventories, and modeling techniques. URBDP 522 is the graduate level section for this course; URBDP 422 is the undergraduate section.

URBDP 422/522 Syllabus

Definitions and examples of urban design; heritage of urban design; theories of city building; the role of urban design in the fields of architecture, landscape architecture, and urban planning. URBDP 523 is the graduate level section for this course; URBDP 423 is the undergraduate section.

Offered in Autumn Quarter

URBDP 423/523 Syllabus

Introduction to site planning; how it is regulated; why it is important to know; and how to carry out its key tasks, including residential subdivision and mixed-use development layout; basic topographical and hydrological analysis and manipulation; roadways, parking and hierarchies of circulation, and site design detail. URBDP 524 is the graduate level section for this course; URBDP 423 is the undergraduate section.

Offered in Spring Quarter

URBDP 424/524 Syllabus

Focuses on ways to live with and cope with flooding. Examines coastal and riverine floodplain services, values and assets within the context of ecosystem services; determine risks and opportunities associated with flooding and floodplains; advance identified strategies and explore benefits and adverse impacts resulting from these strategies; and gain a better appreciation for coastal and riverine floodplains.

Offered in Autumn Quarter

URBDP 526 Syllabus

The first in a sequence of two history, ethics, form and theory (HEFT) courses in the MUP core curriculum introduces students to how the urban form is shaped by economic, political, social and technological forces and how it shifts in time as a result. Students will learn about the theoretical underpinnings and ethics related to the formation and transformation of urban environments during the era of the Pre-Contact/Pre-Colonial/Indigenous City, with particular focus on the experiences of non-elite groups including first nations, immigrants, women, LGTBQ+ folks, and African Americans. 

Offered in Autumn Quarter

Syllabus: URBDP 527 History Ethics Form Theory 1

The second in the series of history, ethics, form and theory (HEFT) courses in the MUP core curriculum. Students will learn about the formation and transformation of urban environments and the theoretical underpinnings and ethics related to those transformations during three historical eras: The Colonial City, The Industrial City, and The Post-Industrial and Global City. The course will place particular emphasis on the experiences of non-elite groups whose stories have traditionally been left out of dominant narratives of urban history, including members of indigenous groups, immigrants, women, LGBTQ+ folks, and African Americans.

Offered in Winter Quarter

URBDP 528 History Ethics Form Theory 2_2023

Introduces a range of current topics in urban transportation planning and policy, highlighting new ideas and practices for improving spatial accessibility in metropolitan areas while promoting social equity and environmental sustainability. These topics are organized into five groups: (1) key challenges, (2) managing the automobile, (3) encouraging green travel modes, (4) integrating land use and transportation, and (5) impacts of new technologies. The course is designed for both students who specialize in transportation and students who are interested in exploring this subject area.

Offered in Winter Quarter

URBDP 532_Syllabus_Winter 2024

Investigates how the modern transportation system is linked to contemporary environmental issues, with a focus on urban air quality problems and impacts on natural habit. This course will discuss effective policies that can enhance the quality of life in urban areas, address climate change, and preserve the natural environment.

Offered in Winter Quarter

URBDP 533 Syllabus

Discusses how principles of ecosystem dynamics and resilience can be  integrated into planning and decision making. This course explores theories of environmental planning; methods of environmental assessment; integrated modeling, scenarios, and strategic foresight; and collaborative adaptive management and planning. Students will learn techniques for developing scenarios, building models, assessing resilience, and devising management strategies to frame and address critical transitions and resilience in urban ecosystems in the Puget Sound.

Offered in Spring Quarter

URBDP 534 Syllabus

Examines the use of Health Impact Assessment as a public health tool for informing decision-makers about the potential health impacts of proposed projects and policies. Students learn the steps for conducting HIAs, review case studies, and conduct an HIA of a current local proposed project. Offered: jointly with ENV H 536.

Offered in Spring Quarter

URBDP 536 Syllabus

Examines how the design of communities and land use and transportation decision have positive and adverse effects on health. Considers built environment impacts on physical activity, obesity, air quality, injuries, mental health, social capital, and environmental justice; and explores interventions to promote healthy community design. Offered: jointly with ENV H 538.

Offered in Winter Quarter

URBDP 538 Syllabus

Introduces students key concepts within Indigenous Planning including complex property rights and legal systems, intergovernmental collaboration models, tribally-led planning activities, and how indigenous cultures inform planning approaches in and around Indian Country.

Offered in Winter Quarter

URBDP 539 Syllabus

The professional project is a demonstration of the student’s ability to do independent work at a professional level. The project is to be primarily client‐oriented, dealing with a particular issue or set of issues, within a specific context. The client, for example, may be an agency or business within the realm of urban planning, a neighborhood group or non‐profit organization, sector of  a city, county or other jurisdiction, or be site‐specific. The project should bring something new to the situation,  demonstrating the student’s ability to synthesize from a broad planning/design context and apply to a specific one.


A survey of the field of planning for managing risks of natural hazards-earthquakes, floods, coastal/meteorological hazards, and human-caused technological hazards/terrorism. Covers pre-event mitigation through building and land-use controls; disaster preparedness; post-even response, recovery, and mitigation of future hazards. Emphasizes hazard mitigation as a long-term strategy for achieving sustainability of communities.

Offered in Winter Quarter

URBDP 549 Syllabus

Provides a basic overview of the participants, processes, workings of different components of the real estate industry (including a variety of uses spanning from residential, office, retail and industrial to specialized) as well as the quantitative components of the real estate decision-making. Additionally, students are introduced to an overview of construction management, sustainability, corporate services, property law and ethics. Offered: jointly with R E 510

Offered in Autumn and Winter Quarters

URBDP 552A/RE 510 Syllabus

Introduces students to basic real estate finance and institutional analysis allowing them to quantify the financial implications of real estate decisions. Topics include: basic time value of money, financial leverage, discounted cash flow analysis (properties and institutional portfolios), assessment of various real estate investment classes and distribution of proceeds to investors. Prerequisite: R E 552/URBDP 552. Offered: jointly with R E 513.

Offered in Autumn and Winter Quarters

URBDP 554/RE 513 Syllabus

Examines the rationale for and consequences of public intervention in urban land, housing, and transportation markets through land use regulations such as zoning and urban growth boundaries, infrastructure investments, and fiscal policies to manage urban development and traffic. Offered: jointly with PB AF 561.

Offered in Spring Quarter

URBDP 561/PUBPOL 561 Syllabus

Provides introduction to basic practices in neighborhood planning and community development, including theoretical/historical bases; developing neighborhood plans/projects; indicators and evaluation of neighborhood quality; community participation; institutional framework, ethical dilemmas, and professional roles. Addresses current issues, including Seattle’s experience, NIMBYism, security, neighborhood character, housing segregation, etc.

Offered in Spring Quarter

URBDP 562 Syllabus

This course is focused on infrastructure planning and finance and, more generally, on the relationship between planning and budgeting. We explore basic concepts, legal frameworks, politics, and processes used in the systems studied, including techniques in infrastructure planning aimed at estimating demand and predicting the effects of infrastructure projects on land use. URBDP 566 is the graduate level section; URBDP 466 is the undergraduate section.

Offered in Autumn Quarter

URBDP 466/566 Syllabus

Uses digital technologies for mapping, drafting, modeling, and communication. Includes real-world case study projects that focus on urban design and planning issues.

Offered in Winter Quarter

URBDP 573 Syllabus

Political, legal, and administrative institutions closely related to the planning process. Issues of devolution of authority and public representation and participation. Legal basis for planning and associated regulation.

Offered in Spring Quarter

URBDP 580 Syllabus

Theories, methods, and practices associated with historic preservation planning. Overview of preservation planning programs at federal, state, and local levels. Introduction to tools and methods needed to identify, document, evaluate, and plan for protection of historic properties. Provides opportunity to learn fundamentals of preservation planning through practical experience.

Offered in Autumn Quarter

URBDP 585 Syllabus

Practical experience in identifying, documenting, evaluating and developing strategies for protection of historic resources, building on introductory theories, methods, and practices. Develops skills critical to preservation planning via research, fieldwork, and writing. Prerequisite: introductory course in preservation.

Offered in Winter Quarter

URBDP 586 Syllabus

Researchable issues and research methodology. Discussion and critique of selected pieces of recent research work. Presentation and critique of research proposed by members of the seminar. Prerequisite: master’s degree or equivalent in a planning discipline.

Offered in Autumn Quarter

URBDP 591 Syllabus

Researchable issues and research methodology. Discussion and critique of selected pieces of recent research work. Presentation and critique of research proposed by members of the seminar. Prerequisite: master’s degree or equivalent in a planning discipline.

Offered in Winter Quarter

URBDP 592 Syllabus

Researchable issues and research methodology. Discussion and critique of selected pieces of recent research work. Presentation and critique of research proposed by members of the seminar. Prerequisite: master’s degree or equivalent in a planning discipline.

Offered in Autumn Quarter

Systematic study of specialized subject matter. Topics vary for each quarter, depending upon current interest and needs, and are announced in the preceding quarter. Prerequisite: permission of instructor.

Offered in Autumn, Winter, and Spring Quarters

A Master of Urban Planning thesis is an investigation that demonstrates a student’s ability to conceive, conduct and report the results of a substantial individual study in the field of urban design and planning. The topic of the thesis may be broad or narrow, academic or applied, synoptic or analytical, empirical or theoretical, and anywhere within the wide range of urban planning concerns. The educational values are, first, the opportunity to pursue some area of interest to a level of depth, completeness and conclusiveness that is not possible in other courses; and secondly, to work on an individual basis  with faculty who are informed and interested in the subject.
