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The curriculum for the Master of Urban Planning Program is divided into a set of core courses required of all students, and courses that deepen student knowledge in specialization areas in planning. The core courses respond to our values and the requirements of the Planning Accreditation Board of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning and the American Planning Association. The specializations reflect the interests and strengths of the faculty in the Department.

Theory/history/ethics are interwoven throughout the curriculum; in addition, there is a required two-course sequence in the first year of study.

Methods requirements include courses in statistics, planning methods, quantitative and qualitative methods, graphics communication, and a research seminar to assist students in developing thesis/professional projects.

Substantive knowledge requirements include courses that survey the practice of planning, comprehensive planning and regulation, and planning law.

Synthesis skills requirements are fulfilled by a studio preparation course, a studio, and a capstone that can be satisfied through a two-quarter capstone studio or a thesis or professional project under the supervision of a faculty committee.

To be awarded the Master of Urban Planning degree, the student must complete a minimum of 72 quarter credit hours of work in urban design and planning related courses. Full time students normally take 12-15 credit hours per quarter; 10 is the minimum for those receiving financial aid; 7 is considered full-time for tuition purposes; 18 is the maximum normally allowed per quarter.

Core Courses

  • URBDP 500 Survey of Urban Planning
  • URBDP 501 Comprehensive Planning and Implementation
  • URBDP 506 Planning Studio Prep
  • URBDP 507 Urban Planning Studio
  • URBDP 512 Research Seminar
  • URBDP 518 Qualitative Methods
  • URBDP 520 Quantitative Methods in Urban Design and Planning
  • URBDP 527 History, Ethics, Form and Theory I (HEFT I)
  • URBDP 528 History, Ethics, Form and Theory II (HEFT II)
  • URBDP 573 Digital Design Practicum
  • URBDP 580 Legal and Administrative Framework
  • URBDP 547/700 Master’s Professional Project or Thesis
  • URBDP 598 Capstone Studio

Restricted Electives

  • Advanced Methods
  • Urban Development/Economics


  • Environmental Planning
  • Historic Preservation
  • Land Use, Infrastructure, and Transportation Planning
  • Real Estate
  • Urban Design
  • Individualized

Internship/Field Work

Professional experience in the form of field work and internships is highly recommended, but not required, prior to completion of the degree program. The Department receives internship announcements from a variety of professional firms and agencies in urban design and planning within the Puget Sound area, and forwards those opportunities to students.

Typical Course Sequence

  • URBDP 500 Survey of Urban Planning
  • URBDP 520 Quantitative Methods in Urban Design and Planning
  • URBDP 527 History, Ethics, Form and Theory I (HEFT I)
  • Elective (recommended: URBDP 504 Intro to GIS)

  • URBDP 501 Comprehensive Planning and Implementation
  • URBDP 506 Planning Studio Prep
  • URBDP 528 History, Ethics, Form and Theory II (HEFT II)
  • URBDP 573 Digital Design Practicum

  • URBDP 507 Urban Planning Studio
  • URBDP 512 Research Seminar
  • URBDP 580 Legal and Administrative Framework for Planning
  • Restricted Elective or Elective

  • URBDP 518 Qualitative Methods
  • Restricted Elective
  • Elective

  • URBDP 598 Capstone Studio OR URBDP 547/700 Master’s Professional Project or Thesis
  • Elective
  • Elective

  • URBDP 598 Capstone Studio OR URBDP 547/700 Master’s Professional Project or Thesis
  • Elective
  • Elective